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1. Which of the following is incorrect about viruses?
a. Viruses are intracellular parasites
b. Viruses can not attack upon prokaryotes βœ…
c. Viruses contain genetic information and have a capsid protein coat
d. Viruses cannot survive without a host

2. Poxviruses are:
a. Double-stranded DNA virus βœ…
b. Single stranded RNA virus
c. Single-stranded DNA virus
d. Protein virus

3. Which of the followin virus has complex capsid that consists of polyhedral head and helical tail?
a. Influenza virus
b. Herpes virus
c. Bacteriophages βœ…
d. Human Immuno Deficiency Virus

4. The viruses who can attack the bacteria are known as:
a. Retrovirus
b. Pox virus
c. Bacteriophage βœ…
d. Oncovirus

5. To reduce one molecule of O2, ________ electron(s) must be passed through the electron transport chain and ________ molecule(s) of NADH is(are) oxidized
a. 1; 1
b. 4; 4
c. 1; 2
d. 4; 2 βœ…

6. Which of the following is the correct pathway of alcoholic fermentation?
a. Glycolysis –> Reduction
b. Glycolysis –> Reduction –> Decarboxylation
c. Glycolysis –> Decarboxylation –> Reduction βœ…
d. Glycolysis –> Link reaction –> Krebs cycle –> ETC

7. The initial steps in breaking down glucose are called:
a. Reduction
b. Glycolysis βœ…
c. Chemiosmosis
d. Oxidation

8. What is net gain of ATP in glycolysis if it occurs during anaerobic respiration:
a. 2 ATP/glucose molecule βœ…
b. 4 ATP/glucose molecule
c. 6 ATP/glucose molecule
d. 8 ATP/glucose molecule

9. The Tertiary structure of protein indicates its
a. chemical function
b. biological function βœ…
c. physical appearence
d. characteristics

10. Only one compound is neutral, other are reactive. Point the one
a. cytoplasm
b. HCl
c. Urine
d. Pure water βœ…

11. The temporary storage of energy in the human body is
a. cellulose
b. glycogen
c. ATP βœ…
d. Fats

12. The palmitic acid melt at___
a. 8 C
b. 72C
c. 63.1C βœ…
d. 7 C

13. Amylopectin ______ and insoluble in ______
a. branched sugar , water βœ…
b. unbranched sugar, ethnol
c. branched sugar, cold water
d. unbranched sugar, hot

14. Reducing sugar among the following is
a. galactose βœ…
b. gluconic acid
c. glycogen
d. sucrose

15. Cellulose is ______
a. hexose polysaccharide βœ…
b. heptose polysaccharide
c. heteropolysaccharide
d. pentosepolysaccharide

16. Which of the following is responsible for giving firmness and box-like shape to plant cells?
a. Cell wall βœ…
b. Cell wall and vacuole
c. Nucleus and vacuole
d. Cell membrane

17. Golgi complex was discovered by which scientist?
a. Robert Brown
b. Camillo Golgi βœ…
c. De Duve
d. Robert Hooke

18. Which of these is the right combination of molecules which make up the secondary cell wall in plant cells?
a. Cellulose, lignin and xylem
b. Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin βœ…
c. Cellulose only
d. Cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin

19. Which of the following is the system of elongated sac like structures (cisternae) or tubes linking the cell surface membrane and the nuclear envelope?
a. Mirotubules
b. Endoplasmic reticulum βœ…
c. Golgi complex
d. Microfilaments

20. Which one of the following can easily pass through plasma membrane
a. Fat soluble substances βœ…
b. Proteins
c. Highly charged materials
d. Polysacchrides

21. Major component of bacterial cell wall is:
a. Teichoic acid
b. Cartenoid
c. Chitin
d. Murein βœ…

22. Carbon dioxide passes through plasma membrane of cells by:
a. Active transport
b. Phagocytosis
c. Facilitated diffusion
d. Simple diffusion βœ…

23. Which part of the hind brain is responsible in regulating breathing patterns?
a. Medulla oblongata
b. Cerebellum
c. Brain stem
d. Pons βœ…

24. What is the change in the resting potential when a neuron fires a nerve impulse?
a. It becomes more negative moving from cell body to the axon
b. It becomes more positive moving from the cell body to the axon βœ…
c. It becomes more negative moving from the axon to the cell body
d. It becomes more positive moving from the axon to the cell body

25. When a neuron’s membrane potentials is between – 70 mV and – 90 mV, it is said to be in a state of:
a. Depolarization
b. Hyperpolarization βœ…
c. Repolarization
d. No polarization

26. Addison’s disease occurs because of under-secretion of which hormone?
a. Antidiuretic hormone
b. Aldosterone
c. Corticosterone βœ…
d. Melanophore-stimulating hormone

27. Function of insulin:
a. Promoting hydrolysis of glycogen
b. Increasing the rate of fat breakdown
c. Promoting conversion of glucose into protein
d. Reduces the blood glucose level βœ…

28. In terms of their effects on metabolism, all of them are mismatched except:
a. Secretin, gastrin, insulin
b. Secretin, gastrin, glucagon
c. Oestrogen, progesterone, oxytocin βœ…
d. Follicle stimulating hormone, somatotrophic hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone

29. Diffused nervous system is present in which animal group?
a. Platyhelminthes
b. Annelida
c. Cnidaria βœ…
d. Porifera

30. Saccoglossus belongs to which group of invertebrates?
a. Porifera
b. Cnidaria
c. Echinodermata
d. Hemichordates βœ…

31. What is correct about triploblastic animals?
a. They all show bilateral symmetry. βœ…
b. They show radial as well as bilateral symmetry.
c. They are all protostomes.
d. They are all deuterostomes.

32. Which features identify deuterostomes?
a. Blastopore makes the mouth.
b. Zygote divides spirally.
c. Mesoderm forms from the developing gut. βœ…
d. Fate of each blastomere is pre-determined

33. What is correct about the active site of an enzyme?
a. It detaches itself from the product after catalysis βœ…
b. It is similar in shape to the substrate
c. It is involved in feedback inhibition
d. It is involved in irreversible, non-competitive inhibition

34. Optimum pH for salivary amylase is:
a. 2
b. 6.8 βœ…
c. 7.6
d. 9

35. Optimum pH for salivary amylase is:
a. 2
b. 6.8 βœ…
c. 7.6
d. 9

36. Enzymes have capacity to change the:
a. Concentration of substrate in the reaction system
b. Temperature of the reaction system βœ…
c. pH of the reaction system
d. Concentration of inhibitor

37. Catalysts that increase the rate of a biological chemical reaction are called?
a. Proteins
b. Vitamins
c. Enzymes βœ…
d. Minerals

38. The origin of new species from already existing species over a period of time is called:
a. Adaptation
b. Evolution βœ…
c. Neo-Darwinism
d. Special creation

39. Homologous organs indicate the:
a. Convergent evolution
b. Divergent evolution βœ…
c. Co-evolution
d. Artificial selection

40. The variations in individuals that lead to evolution are because of differences in their:
a. Genes βœ…
b. Anatomy
c. Physiology
d. Acquired characters

41. Evolution is the process that demonstrates:
a. How characters are passed from one generation to the next
b. How organisms perform their activities in a different environment
c. How new species originate from existing species. βœ…
d. How new species are formed especially and specifically by the nature

42. Which of the following enzyme is absent in pancreatic juice?
a. Amylase
b. Erepsin βœ…
c. Lipase
d. Trypsin

43. A condition characterized by bouts of over eating fattening food is called:
a. Anorexia
b. Botulism
c. Bulimia nervosa βœ…
d. Piles

44. Incomplete or imperfect digestion is called:
a. Anorexia
b. Botulism
c. Bulimia nervosa
d. Dyspepsia βœ…

45. The osmotic pressure of blood is maintained by:
a. Membrane proteins
b. Fibrous proteins
c. Plasma proteins βœ…
d. Myosin

46. Concentration of bile is the function of which body part?
a. Liver
b. Gallbladder βœ…
c. Pancreas
d. Stomach

47. Which one is a contagious disease?
a. Lung cancer
b. Asthma
c. Pulmonary tuberculosis βœ…
d. Emphysema

48. Which cells protect stomach wall by producing mucus?
a. Mucus cells βœ…
b. Chief cells
c. Zymogen cells
d. Endocrine cells

49. Which of the following is a circular, double-stranded DNA molecule present in some bacterial cells?
a. Nucleoid
b. Plasmids βœ…
c. Mesosomes
d. Chromosomes

50. Which of the following provides resistance against some antibiotics such as beta-lactam?
a. Gram-negative cell wall
b. Spores
c. Slime βœ…
d. Capsules

51. A very delicate surrounding that may result in death of bacteria if damaged is called :
a. Capsule
b. Flagella
c. Cell membrane βœ…
d. Cell wall

52. Protein factories in prokaryotic cell are:
a. Mesosomes
b. Ribosomes βœ…
c. Plasmids
d. Nucleotide

53. During sterilization process, in order to control pathogens, we use dry heat which causes
a. Oxidations of bacterial compounds βœ…
b. Coagulation of bacterial proteins
c. Separate the bacteria from their media
d. Decrease in bacterial growth

54. Where does fertilization occur in human body?
a. Ovary
b. Uterus
c. Fallopian tube βœ…
d. Vagina

55. Proliferative phase is also termed as:
a. Secretory phase
b. Menstruations phase
c. Follicular or preovulatory phase βœ…
d. Secondary phase

56. The uterus of the female reproductive system opens into the?
a. Placenta
b. Ovary
c. Cervix βœ…
d. Oviduct

57. What is the function of the fluid secreted by Sertoli cells?
a. Stimulate spermatogenesis
b. Stimulates secondary sexual development.
c. Provides nourishment to sperms βœ…
d. Inhibit spermatogenesis

58. Which of the following is the part of the male reproductive system?
a. Cervix
b. Leydig cells βœ…
c. Myometrium
d. Corpus luteum

59. Which of these is a type of arthritis that is primarily due to aging?
a. Septic arthritis
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Osteoarthritis βœ…
d. Rheumatoid and osteo arthritis

60. Septic arthritis is caused by:
a. Aging
b. Bacteria βœ…
c. Metabolic
d. Physical contact

61. What is the meaning of articulation?
a. Connections between joints
b. Connections between cartilages
c. Connections between bones βœ…
d. Connections between muscles

62. Synovial cavities are filled with:
a. Blood
b. Salts
c. Synovial fluids βœ…
d. Proteins

63. Mendel’s idea that pair of characters separate during gamete formation is called:
a. law of Particulate inheritance
b. law of Segregation βœ…
c. law of Dominance
d. law of Independent Assortment

64. Which of the following number of chromosomes are present in the somatic cells of Drosophila?
a. 4
b. 8 βœ…
c. 16
d. 2

65. A testcross is performed:
a. Only with hybrids
b. Only with pure types
c. Only between recessives
d. To determine whether an organism is heterozygous or homozygous dominant βœ…

66. One map unit is supposed to equal to:
a. 1% recombination frequency βœ…
b. 5% recombination frequency
c. 10 % recombination frequency
d. 15% recombination frequency

67. Albinism is a autosomal recessive trait. A woman with albino father marries an albino man. What is the probability of albinism in her childern:
a. 25%
b. 50% βœ…
c. 75%
d. 100%

68. Phenotype represents:
a. Physical appearance of the trait βœ…
b. Genetic make up of the trait
c. Normal trait
d. Mutant trait


69. Unit of time in FPS units is:
a. Millisecond
b. Minute
c. Hour
d. Second βœ…

70. An eagle of mass 4 kg is locked inside a cage of mass 2 kg. If the eagle starts flying, what will be the mass of the bird and cage assembly?
a. 5 kg
b. 7 kg
c. 2 kg
d. 6 kg βœ…

71. Force is a:
a. Vector βœ…
b. Scalar
c. Tensor
d. Base quantity

72. If the force of 20 N acts at an angle of 60 degrees along the horizontal then its vertical and horizontal components are:
a. 20 N, 0 N
b. 15 N, 10 N
c. 17.32 N, 10 N βœ…
d. 10 N, 17.32 N

73. A gun fires a bullet of mass 40 g with a velocity of 1200 ms-1. The man holding it can exert a maximum force of 144 N on the weapon. How many bullets can he fire per second at the most?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3 βœ…
d. 4

74. A man of mass of 50 kg on the top floor of a skyscraper steps into an elevator. Assume g=10 ms-2. What is the man’s weight as the elevator accelerates downward at a rate of 1.5ms-2?
a. 460 N
b. 325 N
c. 425 N βœ…
d. 475 N

75. If kinetic energy increased 4 times then momentum will increase:
a. 3 times
b. 4 times
c. 5 times
d. 2 times βœ…

76. Minimum value of kinetic energy is:
a. Infinite
b. Zero βœ…
c. Negative constant
d. Minus infinite

77. Two spring having force constant in the ratio of 3 : 4, both the springs are stretched by equal force F, if elongation in first spring is x then elongation in second spring is:
a. 3x
b. 4x
c. 3x/4 βœ…
d. 4x/3

78. A body is undergoing non-uniform circular motion, work done by radial force on the body:
a. Positive
b. Zero βœ…
c. Negative
d. Variable

79. Centripetal force is provided by________ in a frictional road around a circular path:
a. Friction force βœ…
b. Normal force
c. Gravitational force
d. Pseudo forces

80. Radian can be used to measure:
a. Length of line
b. Diameter of circle
c. Side of the triangle
d. Arc length βœ…

81. The quantity used in angular measurement is:
a. Parameter
b. Area
c. Circumference βœ…
d. Volume

82. Earth covers its one revolution around the sun in:
a. 24 hours
b. 7 days
c. 12 months βœ…
d. 60 minutes

83. The distance between adjacent fringes will increase if we use:
a. Red light βœ…
b. Blue light
c. Lowest order
d. Highest order

84. The velocity of sound in vacuum at 0 degree centigrade:
a. 332 m/s
b. 344 m/s
c. 330 m/s
d. 0 βœ…

85. The unit of frequency is:
a. Hertz βœ…
b. Decibel
c. Ampere
d. Radian

86. Example of mechanical waves is:
a. Transverse wave
b. Longitudinal wave
c. Both transverse and longitudinal wave βœ…
d. Compressional waves

87. Microwave is:
a. An electromagnetic wave βœ…
b. Sound wave
c. Longitudinal wave
d. Standing wave

88. Pitch depends upon:
a. Frequency βœ…
b. Timbre
c. Loudness
d. Amplitude

89. The property of musical sound which differentiates between grave and shrill sound is called?
a. Pitch βœ…
b. Intensity
c. Beats
d. Quality

90. Unit of heat capacity is:
a. J/K βœ…
b. J/K.mole
c. J/
d. Joule

91. Molar heat capacity is defined as the heat required to raise the temperature by 1 degree of _____ substance.
a. 2 mole
b. 2 kg
c. 1 kg
d. 1 mole βœ…

92. Specific heat of gas in an isothermal process is:
a. Infinite βœ…
b. Zero
c. Negative
d. Remains constant

93. β€œElectrical potential energy between two charges at distance β€œr”” is given by:”
a. (k*q1*q2)/r βœ…
b. (k*q1*q2)/r^2
c. k*q1*q2
d. k*q1*q2/2r

94. β€œβ€β€ Consider an isolated parallel plate capacitor. Both plates have charge +Q and -Q and are filled with a dielectric with dielectric constant K. We pull out the dielectric material, if the charges on the plates do not change, how does the energy in the capacitor change?”””
a. It increases βœ…
b. It decreases
c. It remains the same
d. Insufficient data

95. Which of the following could not be the units of electric intensity?
a. Joule per coulomb per meter
b. Joule per coulomb βœ…
c. Volt per meter
d. Newton’s per coulomb

96. Direction of electric force and electric field intensity for a positive charge is:
a. Parallel to each other βœ…
b. Perpendicular to each other
c. Opposite to each other
d. Random

97. The change in potential energy per unit charge between two points in an electric field is called:
a. Potential difference βœ…
b. Absolute potential
c. Electric intensity
d. Permittivity

98. The electric flux through the surface of the sphere is directly proportional to the
a. Surface area of the sphere
b. Radius of the sphere
c. Charge at the center of the sphere βœ…
d. Nature of charge

99. Electric Flux through the surface of a sphere which has a constant charge at its center depends on:
a. The radius of the sphere
b. The surface area of the sphere
c. The amount of charge inside the sphere βœ…
d. The amount of charge outside the sphere

100. Current is a ________ physical quantity:
a. Scalar Quantity βœ…
b. Vector Quantity
c. Variable Quantity
d. Constant Quantity

101. Steady current does not change with respect to ________.
a. Conductor
b. Source
c. Time βœ…
d. Potential Difference

102. Ohm’s Law is applicable only when the temperature is:
a. Changing
b. Absolute Zero
c. Constant βœ…
d. Decreasing

103. The resistivity of a substance is defined as the resistance of a ______ of that substance.
a. Meter
b. Meter Square
c. Meter Cube βœ…
d. Centimeter

104. Resistance of a conductor depends upon:
a. Temperature
b. Nature of a conductor
c. Length
d. Color βœ…

105. A terminal potential difference of a cell:
a. Increases with increase in its internal resistance
b. decrease with an increase in internal resistance βœ…
c. Is independent of its internal resistance
d. Varies exponentially with resistance

106. The study of magnets is called:
a. Electromagnetism
b. Magnetism βœ…
c. Electrostatics
d. Current electricity

107. If the current in the wire is doubled then the magnetic field would be:
a. Half
b. Remain same
c. Triple
d. Double βœ…

108. The magnetic flux density is:
a. Magnetic field lines per unit area βœ…
b. Magnetic field lines per unit volume
c. Electric field lines per unit area
d. Electric field lines per unit volume

109. Current produced by the moving coil is called:
a. Induced current βœ…
b. Direct current
c. Polarized current
d. No Current

110. Self-inductance of a coil does not depend upon:
a. Length
b. Current βœ…
c. Number of turns
d. Area of coil

111. The negative sign in Lenz’s law indicates that the induced emf opposes the rate of change of:
a. Electric flux
b. Magnetic flux βœ…
c. Electric field
d. Magnetic field

112. The mechanical energy of our hand used to push the magnet towards or away from the coil results into:
a. Heat energy
b. Potential energy
c. Electrical energy βœ…
d. Mechanical energy

113. In step down transformer, the current in the secondary coil is ____ than the current in the primary coil:
a. Equal
b. Less
c. Greater βœ…
d. Unchanged

114. Transistors can be used as:
a. Half wave rectifier
b. Full wave rectifier
c. Photocell
d. Switch βœ…

115. Among the following four spectral regions, which photon has the highest energy?
a. Infrared
b. Violet
c. Blue
d. Ultraviolet βœ…

116. A three-dimensional image is achieved by scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons:
a. Sem βœ…
b. Tem
c. Xrd
d. Stem

117. Planck’s constant is analogous to:
a. Inertia
b. Wave nature
c. Angular momentum βœ…
d. Linear momentum

118. The units for absorption power is:
a. Meter
b. Second
c. Henry
d. No Units βœ…

119. X-rays are also known as:
a. Low energy Invisible Photons
b. High energy Visible Photons
c. High energy Invisible Photons βœ…
d. Low energy Visible Photons

120. The x-rays used in the medical field have ____ intensity:
a. High
b. Low βœ…
c. Medium
d. Very high

121. The ordinary TV screen made of cathode tube emits:
a. Cathode rays βœ…
b. Anode rays
c. Gamma rays
d. It emits no radiation

122. What is the relationship between the half-life of a radioactive isotope and its wavelength?
a. They are equal in magnitude
b. They are directly proportional
c. They are inversely proportional βœ…
d. No relation


123. Which one of the following is calculated from the balanced equation during the determination of the limiting reactant?
a. Amount of reactants present
b. Amount of limiting reactant that produces the product βœ…
c. Amount of product expected to form from each reactant
d. Amount of excess reactant

124. What is the percentage of C in glucose (C6H12O6)?
a. 41.5
b. 38
c. 39.9 βœ…
d. 38.9

125. A compound of boron and hydrogen contains 18.9% of hydrogen and 81.1% boron. The empirical formula of the compound is :
a. BeH2
b. Be2H
c. B4H
d. B2H5 βœ…

126. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in shell for which l = 3 is:
a. 2
b. 32 βœ…
c. 10
d. 8

127. The atomic number of calcium is 20. The electronic structure of a calcium ion can be represented as
a. 28
b. 284
c. 288
d. 2,882 βœ…

128. Using the periodic table, indicate which one of the following elements is the most metallic.
a. Rb βœ…
b. K
c. Ca
d. Fe

129. Who named the positive rays produced by the hydrogen gas in the discharge tube?
a. Goldstein βœ…
b. Rutherford
c. Bohr
d. Chedwick

130. Gases behave ideally at
a. under normal temperature and pressure conditions. .
b. at room temperature and pressure
c. At high temperatures and low pressures, gases behave ideally. βœ…
d. At high pressure and low temperature

131. Which one of the following is called a compressibility factor?
a. PV=nRT
b. PV/RT βœ…
c. PV/RT=n
d. PV/T=Rn

132. Gases can easily mix with each other to form a uniform mixture, this property is called:
a. Effusion
b. Homogenous Mixing
c. Diffusion βœ…
d. Heterogeneous mixing

133. Which of the following substances has the largest intermolecular forces of attraction ?
a. Hβ‚‚O βœ…
b. Hβ‚‚S
c. Hβ‚‚Se
d. Hβ‚‚Te

134. Which of the following substances has the largest intermolecular forces of attraction ?
a. Hβ‚‚O βœ…
b. Hβ‚‚S
c. Hβ‚‚Se
d. Hβ‚‚Te

135. Which solids are also called as Atomic solids?
a. Ionic solids
b. Covalent solids βœ…
c. Molecular solids
d. Metallic solids

136. Malleability is the property of metals. which means _____?
a. Drawn into wires
b. Converted into sheets βœ…
c. Drawn into wires and converted into sheets
d. breakable

137. The addition of an Acid or H+ ions to Acetic Acid buffer will
a. Increase the pH
b. Decrease the pH
c. have no effect on the pH βœ…
d. Both A and B

138. Ksp (Solubility product) depends upon
a. pressure
b. Concentration βœ…
c. Temperature
d. volume

139. Addition of extra CH3COONa in acetate buffer soluton will:
a. Decrease pH
b. Have no effect on pH βœ…
c. Increase pH
d. First Increase then decrease

140. What is the unit of slope obtained from Arrhenius equation?
a. K βœ…
b. J/mol K
c. mol/K
d. KΒ―

141. Number of molecules possessing Ea Activation Energy can be increased by
a. Adding a Catalyst
b. Increasing the volume
c. Increasing Temperature βœ…
d. Increasing Number of Moles of Reactants

142. Which one of the following is the correct demonstration of first law of thermodynamics?
a. βˆ†H= qw
b. βˆ†H=q – βˆ†Pβˆ†V
c. βˆ†H=q + w
d. βˆ†E = q + w βœ…

143. In the air, N2 and O2 occur naturally but they do not react to form oxides of nitrogen because
a. oxides of nitrogen are unstable
b. catalyst is required for the reaction
c. the reaction is endothermic βœ…
d. N2 and O2 do not react with each other

144. In the electrolysis of fused salt, where does the cations move?
a. Move towards anode and discharge on it
b. Move towards Cathode and discharge on it βœ…
c. Move towards cathode,gain electron and dissolve in solution
d. Both a and b

145. In ion electron method of balancing equations , how oxygen is balanced?
a. O is balanced by adding Oβ‚‚
b. O is balanced by adding Hβ‚‚O βœ…
c. O is balanced by adding OH
d. All the ways are used

146. Which of the following orbital has lower energy?
a. Anti bonding molecular orbital
b. Anti bonding atomic orbitals
c. Bonding half filled orbitals
d. Bonding molecular orbital βœ…

147. In the gaseous phase, when ionization takes place ____________ are isolated and are free from all external influences.
a. atoms and molecule
b. atom and cation
c. atom and anion
d. atom and ion βœ…

148. The bond length of ____ is 174pm
a. C-C
b. Cl-Cl
c. Cl-H
d. C-Cl βœ…

149. Which of the following substances is the strongest reducing agent?
a. Cl2
b. Cl-
c. Br2
d. Br- βœ…

150. The increase in solubility of hydroxides of alkaline earth metals increases down the group due to low
a. Ionic size
b. Atomic size
c. decrease of lattice energy βœ…
d. Hydration energy

151. Which of the following metal occurs in free state ______________?
a. Gold βœ…
b. Iron
c. Mercury
d. Copper

152. Which of the following product is formed by reaction of aluminium with nitrogen ?
a. AlN₃
b. AlN βœ…
c. Al₃Nβ‚‚
d. Al₃Nβ‚‚

153. How many unpaired electrons are there in the Co2+ ion?
a. 2
b. 3 βœ…
c. 4
d. 7

154. Which one is an interstitial compound?
a. TiC βœ…
b. ZnO
c. BF₃
d. NH₃

155. The breaking of large molecules by heating at high temperature and pressure is called:
a. Reforming
b. Steam cracking
c. Catalytic cracking
d. Thermal cracking βœ…

156. Which of the following has anti knocking properties?
a. (CH₃CHβ‚‚)β‚„Sn
b. (CH₃CHβ‚‚)β‚„Pb βœ…
c. (CH₃CHβ‚‚)β‚„Ge
d. (CH₃CHβ‚‚)β‚„Si

157. Which of the following fraction of petroleum has the lowest boiling point at STP?
a. Kerosine oil
b. Lubricating oil
c. Gasolineβœ…
d. Natureal gas

158. Which of the following undergoes sulfonation the fastest?
a. Benzene
b. Chlorobenzene
c. Nitrobenzene
d. Toluene βœ…

159. White precipitates are formed when _________ is passed from an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate.
a. Methylene
b. Ethylene
c. Acetylene βœ…
d. vinylene

160. The termination step of the Halogenation of alkanes in the presence of sunlight involves the formation of:
a. Free radicals
b. Cations
c. Anions
d. Molecules βœ…

161. The C-C bond length in benzene is:
a. 1.39 Angstrom βœ…
b. 1.20 Angstrom
c. 1.34 Angstrom
d. 1.54 Angstrom

162. Benzene is more stable than hypothetical 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene by:
a. 150.5 kJ/mol βœ…
b. 150.5 J/mol
c. 150.5 kJ/molecule
d. 150.5 J/molecule

163. The correct name of CHβ‚‚Clβ‚‚ is:
a. Methyl chloride
b. Methylene chloride βœ…
c. Chloroform
d. Carbonyl chloride

164. Which one of the following is a strong Nucleophile?
a. Cl-
b. Br-
c. OH- βœ…
d. HSO4-

165. 2-chlorobutane belongs to:
a. Primary Alkyl halides
b. Secondary Alkyl Halides βœ…
c. Tertiary Alkyl Halides
d. Quarternary Alkyl halides

166. Which of the following reactions are given by alcohol and phenol both?
a. Esterification βœ…
b. Nitrosation
c. Amide formation
d. Lucas Reaction

167. Which of the following reactions are given by alcohol and phenol both?
a. Esterification βœ…
b. Nitrosation
c. Amide formation
d. Lucas Reaction

168. Which of the following reactions are given by alcohol and phenol both?
a. Esterification βœ…
b. Nitrosation
c. Amide formation
d. Lucas Reaction

169. Aldehyde common names are derived from carboxylic acid names with the same number of:
a. Hydrogen atoms
b. Carbon atoms
c. Oxygen atoms
d. Carbon and hydrogen atomsβœ…

170. The carbanion attacks the molecule of another carbonyl compound to form
a. an alkoxide group βœ…
b. aldol
c. a carbanion
d. a carbonium ion

171. Fehling’s solution is
a. alkaline-cupric citrate complex ion
b. ammonical AgNO3
c. alkaline cupric tartrate complex ion βœ…
d. sodium nitroprusside solution

172. Which one of the following is not an accepted common name?
a. Butanoic acid βœ…
b. Formic acid
c. Propionic acid
d. Acetic acid

173. Salts of carboxylic acids can be converted into corresponding carboxylic acid by treating with
a. water
b. base
c. acid anhydrides
d. acid βœ…

174. The flavor of amyl butyrate is:
a. Mango
b. Raspberry
c. Apricot βœ…
d. Orange

175. Lattice energy does not depend on the:
a. Nature of Charge on the ion
b. Size of the ions
c. Magnitude of charge on the ion
d. Room temperature βœ…

176. What is the value of lattice energy when one mole of an ionic crystal is formed?
a. Positive Value
b. Negative Value βœ…
c. Zero value
d. Positive fraction value


177. β€œThe old building is now a pedestrian ______. Find the synonym of β€œβ€ pedestrian”””
a. arrival
b. palace
c. pavement βœ…
d. precinct

178. I must book a ______ for our game of tennis on Sunday.
a. field
b. court βœ…
c. green
d. team

179. The ice is very ______ so do not walk on it, or you will fall in.
a. high βœ…
b. low
c. thick
d. thin

180. Children always ______ the truth.
a. are speaking
b. speak βœ…
c. will speak
d. spoke

181. He often______to school in time.
a. will go
b. goes βœ…
c. will be going
d. have gone

182. I ______ to quit my job and have planned to apply for another one.
a. decided
b. have decided βœ…
c. had decided
d. was decided

183. She said that she was happy. Which type of narration is used here?
a. Indirect βœ…
b. Direct
c. Simple
d. Complex

184. Choose the sentence with the correct preposition.
a. He was accused of theft. βœ…
b. He was accused from theft.
c. He was accused off theft.
d. He was accused with theft.

185. We need to find _______ method to solve this problem.
a. other
b. another βœ…
c. others
d. the other

186. We are still a long way from _________ home.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. no articleβœ…

187. Adil insisted ,we all go out for _________ cup of coffee.
a. a βœ…
b. an
c. the
d. no article

188. They had to put _________ the meeting when the general director didn’t turn_________ .
a. on… off
b. up… off
c. off… on
d. off… up βœ…

189. Choose the correct spelling of the word.
a. Racommend
b. Racomand
c. Recomend
d. Recommend βœ…

190. Choose the correct spelling of the word.
a. Annehilate
b. Anihilate
c. Annihilate βœ…
d. Anehilate

191. Choose the correct spelling of the word.
a. Ignomeny
b. Ignominy βœ…
c. Ignomminy
d. Ignomny

192. Many jobs today require that the applicant must be a College graduate. This sentence has an error of :
a. Grammar βœ…
b. Capitalization
c. Spelling
d. Punctuation

193. The applicant had some questions during our interview? This sentence has an error of :
a. Grammar
b. Capitalization
c. Spelling
d. Punctuation βœ…

194. Which one is correct? Read carefully.
a. If it had not been this sort of a school, it would probably not have taken Chips.
b. If it had not been this sort of school, it would probably not have taken Chips. βœ…
c. If it had not been this sort of school, it will probably not have taken chips.
d. If it has not been this sort of school, it would probably not have taken Chips.


195. A. Thousands of people were killed early in the morning along the coastline. B. Hundreds of birds suddenly flew away from the ground.
a. Statement A is the cause and statement B is its effect.
b. Statement B is the cause and Statement A is its effect.
c. Both statements are independent causes. βœ…
d. Both statements are independent causes.

196. Statement: The vehicular traffic has increased so much in the recent past that it takes at least two hours to travel between the city and the airport during peak hours.

Courses of Action: I. Non-airport-bound vehicles should not be allowed to use the road connecting the city and the airport. II. A load of vehicular traffic should be diverted through various link roads during peak hours. III. The departure and arrival of flights should be regulated so as to avoid congestion during peak hours.
a. Only I follows
b. Only II follows
c. None follows
d. Either I or II follows βœ…

197. From the following, which one is an odd pair?
a. Petrol- Car
b. Oil – Lamp βœ…
c. Coal – Engine
d. Smoke_ Fire

198. Which of the following animals is different from the others?
a. Whale
b. Tiger βœ…
c. Shark
d. Jellyfish

199. Fact 1: A boy has four cars. Fact 2: Two of the cars are red. Fact 3: He has one sports car.

If the above three statements are facts then which of the following statement will also be a fact I. The boy has a red sports car II. He has 2 corollas III. His favorite color is red
a. Only I and II
b. Only II
c. Only III
d. None of the statements is a fact βœ…

200. A four-person crew from Classic Colors is painting Mrs. Farhan’s house. Mohit is painting the front of the house. Riaz is in the alley behind the house painting the back. Javed is painting the window frames on the north side, Shan is on the south. If Mohit switches places with Javed, and Javed then switches places with Shan, where is Shan?
a. In the alley behind the house
b. On the north side of the house
c. In front of the house βœ…
d. On the south side of the house

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