How to calm down anxiety Attacks?

How to calm down anxiety Attacks?

Unfortunately, anxiety attacks have become the reality of today’s world. People of all ages suffer from it for various reasons. These attacks often come with heavy breathing, trembling, feelings of fear, etc. They include both physical and emotional distress, and most people have trouble dealing with it. It is a feeling that comes unannounced and shocks both mind and body. If youā€™ve experienced one of these, itā€™s best to explore different natural options to deal with possible future situations like that. In this article, weā€™ll share some techniques that can help calm down anxiety attacks and deal with them in the easiest way possible. 

Close your eyes and breathe 

The fear and panic often come suddenly, triggered by something we experience or see. It can help to close your eyes and separate yourself from the outside world for a couple of minutes. Practice this technique along with the slow, deep breaths. The combination of these two has proved to be quite successful for many people who have experienced panic attacks in a busy, loud environment. 

Spend some time alone

Even though close people from your environment would do anything to help you out, sometimes being alone helps more. Practicing solitude and silence is a common method of finding your inner peace and improving your overall mental health, which can help you be stronger in critical situations. You can isolate yourself for a while in your home or a nearby park, woods, etc. Some people also find it helpful to go to a library ā€“ anywhere they can be silent and peaceful. 

Watch your diet 

What you drink or eat can also be a significant factor. You can prevent anxiety attacks by reducing the amount of coffee and alcohol to the minimum. Caffeine is known for giving short-term pleasure, quickly replacing it with a high heart rate. And if you want to stay peaceful, try to avoid it. Also, quitting smoking will be beneficial for your overall health. Furthermore, consuming healthy and nutrient-rich food will boost your immune system and make you feel stronger.

Be active

Releasing stress through exercise is a well-known technique. An appropriate workout routine can help a lot when it comes to anxiety and stress. In general, physical activity will make you feel better both physically and emotionally. Regular exercises are beneficial as a long-term therapy, but also in critical situations. Whenever you feel bad, try to deal with it by sweating it out.

Stay hydrated 

As our bodies primarily consist of water, it is easy to understand why it is so important to stay hydrated. Lack of water in our bodies negatively affects our heart rate and makes other muscles feel tight. This can be one of the reasons why some people experience panic attacks stronger than others. Make sure you drink water regularly and have a glass or two when you start to feel nervous.

Share your experience 

If it will make you feel better, share your feelings related to anxiety. It’s best to talk to someone who understands what it’s like. You can exchange experiences and find out about some methods or tips to calm down when it gets critical. But, donā€™t forget your friends, too. Even though someone hasnā€™t experienced anxiety attacks before, they can understand and comfort you during difficult times. 

Do some work to trick your negative thoughts

Whenever you start to feel anxious, simple chores might help you get back on track. Rather than sitting and overthinking, try to do something to interrupt negative thoughts. Taking a walk, tidying your home or office desk, or doing a set of relaxing exercises. Professionals from say that stretching or some light yoga can do wonders for keeping you calm. So, explore different options and find a simple way to keep you busy when you start feeling anxious. 

Be realistic about your worries 

Feeling worried about something is often not that realistic and necessary. Try to say your worries out loud, or even to a friend. It will help you understand what is going on, and you may realize that there’s no need to worry that much. Also, hearing the second opinion can help calm down and stay realistic about the whole situation. Comparison and different perspectives will help you minimize your worries and also find out about possible solutions. 

Watch some interesting TV/YouTube videos

Funny videos or interesting vlogs can be beneficial. Relaxing this way can help you calm down anxiety attacks as you will divert your thoughts to something less serious. Also, watching funny videos can change your perspective about specific problems and think of them less negatively. After all, laughter is the best medicine!

Get disconnected for a while 

New technologies have been so intertwined with our lives that they have become a massive part of it. Mobile phones, laptops, and smart devices give us so many benefits; we can’t deny that. For example, there are various apps you can use to combat stress. However, they also have a negative side. Being connected to everything and everyone at all times is quite overwhelming, even though we donā€™t realize it.  That’s why stepping away from your mobile phone, and social media can be a great time to practice mindfulness, read a book, take a walk and ā€“ calm down. 

Focus on a single thing to calm down anxiety attacks

When experiencing a panic attack, people look for a way to get out of a busy environment and noise. To calm down an anxiety attack, try to find an object you can focus on. Paying attention to one thing in a crowd can help you relax and escape panic symptoms. Focus on an item from your environment, and try to think about its details. Describe it to yourself and remember the times youā€™ve used it in the past. This method will divert your thoughts and surely help you calm down. 

Be patient and stay positive 

Anxiety attacks are unpleasant and frustrating. They occur in the most unpredictable ways and situations and can become worse over time. However, you should be optimistic about this and understand that it takes time to calm down anxiety attacks. Exploring different techniques will help you find what works best for you, so you can be prepared for difficult situations in the future. As time passes, you’ll begin to recognize the situations or people who trigger your panic attacks and therefore find the best way to cope with them. And remember, only dealing with the problem, rather than running away from it, will lead you to the solution.


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