There are several methods that are commonly used by the perpetrators of this WhatsApp breach in carrying out the action. Here are some life hacks to increase your WhatsApp security that you should know, but before that we will take a look that what are the ways through which your account can be hacked:
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How WhatsApp can get hacked?
Following are the ways through which your account can be hacked. So, take a look at them carefully to ensure and increase your WhatsApp security:
1. Using WhatsApp Web
To make it easier for us to open the application via a laptop or PC, you can connect WhatsApp to your cell phone with WhatsApp web. But it is precisely this convenience that can be a boomerang because it can be a sophisticated hacker’s method to hack your WhatsApp.
To do this, hackers only need a QR code from WhatsApp web to scan. This code can be obtained when they have access to the smartphone you are using. No need for sophisticated hackers, this one method can also be done by ordinary people because it is so easy.
2. Peeping on WhatsApp messages from Facebook
WhatsApp and Facebook are from the same company. Even though they come from the same company, Facebook has said that the two are not connected and that the data on the WhatsApp application will not leak to Facebook.
But renowned developer Gregorio Zanon said otherwise. In his medium platform, Zanon explained that Facebook and WhatsApp use the same storage “container” on the device.
Even though the message is claimed to be encrypted, Facebook still has the potential to copy information.
3. Stealing OTP Code
Hackers often take advantage of OTP when they want to hijack other people’s accounts. The mode that is often used is that they say the wrong OTP code is sent to your smartphone. Finally they ask you to send the code. When you get it, your account is redirected to their smartphone.
4. Using the Man to Man Interface (MMI) code
With this method the fraudster will ask the victim to enter the code ** 21 * (perpetrator’s number) # and call him. It turned out that it was the Man to Man Interface (MMI) code.
These codes are commonly used to divert phone numbers to another device. So all calls that go to our number will be accepted by the perpetrator. From there, he can enter the account when he gets the Call Me OTP or the OTP code given over the phone.
Not only this, when hackers take control of your phone number, they can gain access to other accounts. Starting from social media, online motorcycle taxi accounts, e-wallets, and so on.
5. Media File Hijacking
As you know that this application allows its users to send and receive files. It turns out that this feature is being misused by hackers or irresponsible people.
The perpetrator will send a file containing malware to other people. When the file is opened, the malware is installed automatically. After that, hackers get access to WhatsApp or even the victim’s smartphone.
6. Via WhatsApp Backup File
As active WhatsApp users, we are often advised to be diligent about doing backups. The goal is that we have a backup file when the application is accidentally deleted, reset, or crashes. Hackers also abuse these features for their benefit.
To get your backup file, hackers will hack your email or Google Drive. Through hacking tricks, they can also divert your backup storage to their own email. When successful, hackers are free to access all chats and media.
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How to prevent WhatsApp from being broken by fraudulent persons?
There are some easy and of course effective steps to keep your WhatsApp safe from the threat of fraudsters. Here are some tips that can be done:
1. Set your WhatsApp pin by going to the “Settings – Account – Two-step Verification” menu
2. Also set the recovery email address when you forget the WhatsApp pin.
3. Log out directly to the WhatsApp website after use.
4. Check what devices are registered on your WhatsApp Web account by going to Settings> WhatsApp Web / Desktop. Try to pay attention to what devices are listed there.
5. Don’t use the same email for Facebook and WhatsApp. That way, the risk of piracy can be reduced.
6. Never send OTP code to other people. Even to relatives or friends. Because that number combination is the key to taking over an account.
7. Turn off the auto-download setting on WhatsApp. Go to Settings> Chat Settings. In the Save to Gallery section, make sure the setting is Off or off. This is to prevent you from automatically opening suspicious files sent by unknown parties.
8. Make sure the email used on the PlayStore and AppStore uses the Two-step Verification method as well for the security system.
Extra Security features to increase your WhatsApp security
It also allows its users to add an extra layer of security with Touch ID and Face ID for iPhone. Meanwhile, Android users can only use fingerprint lock. Users can also decide whether they want WhatsApp to lock automatically from the application immediately after closing the application, or after various choices of time periods.
How to use it
Just open WhatsApp Settings. Tap Account, select Privacy, then Screen Lock, and turn on Touch ID or Face ID. After that choose how long WhatsApp can be in standby mode before Touch ID or Face ID is required.
Profile Control
It also allows users to control what details they share with others on their personal profile, whether it’s everyone, just their contacts, or anyone. At any time, users can limit Last Seen, Profile Photo, About and Status in WhatsApp’s privacy settings menu.
Prevention is much better, don’t be cheated! Don’t be lazy to learn about data security for your own good. If you are 90% dependent on the cellphone application for daily activities, it means that the use of security that you do must also be extra.
Apart from applying the tips on how to increase WhatsApp security above. Also try to share it with your relatives and friends so that they avoid this scam mode.
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